EU Public Procurement

EU Public Procurement


I 2012 afholdte det Juridiske Institut ved Copenhagen Business School og den danske Konkurrence-og Forbrugerstyrelsen en international konference om modernisering af EU-udbudsregler, ' Public Procurement Days 2012 - Modernisation, Innovation and Growth'.En række emner af relevans for modernisering af udbudsreglerne blev behandlet og mange interessante debatter fandt sted. Denne bog indeholder bidrag baseret på nogle af præsentationerne fra konferencen.Formålet med bogen er at bidrage til den igangværende debat om modernisering af udbudsreglerne ved at uddybe de emner der blev drøftet på konferencen og forhåbentlig tjene som inspiration.IndholdsoversigtTerminology list PrefaceIntroductionChapter 1. SME's and Public Contracts. An EU Based Perspectiveby Marta Fana and Gustavo PigaChapter 2. How Should the Relation between Public Procurement Law and Competition Law Be Addressed in the New Directive?by Grith Skovgaard ØlykkeChapter 3. The Contracting Authority as Purchaser and Regulator: Should the Procurement Rules Regulate what we Buy?by Peter TrepteChapter 4. Are the Procurement Rules a Barrier for Cross-border Trade within the European Market? A view on proposals to lower that barrier and spur growthby Dr. Albert Sánchez GraellsChapter 5. Flexible procedures or ban on negotiations? Will more negotiation limit the access to the procurement market?by Steen TreumerChapter 6. Beyond EU Law: the New 'Public House'by Dario CasaliniChapter 7. International Organisationsby Baudouin HeuninckxChapter 8. Why the EU Public Procurement Law should contain Rules that allow Negotiation for Public Private Partnerships by Christina D. TvarnøChapter 9. Competitive Dialogue: Should Rules be Fine-tuned to Facilitate Innovation? by Pedro TellesChapter 10. Defining a Service Concession Contract Will the Proposed New Definition of Service Concession Contracts Increase Legal Certainty in the Field of Concessions?by Carina Risvig HansenChapter 11. The Public Procurement Rules and Innovationby Michael SteinickeChapter 12. Can Secondary Considerations in Procurement Contracts be a Tool for Increasing Innovative Solutions? by Martin BurgiList of casesIndex

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