Eskadron Saddle Pad LAMBSKIN
Saddle Pad LAMBSKINThis loose lambskin underlay is available for all ESKADRON Saddle Cloth forms (P, PDL, VSS, VSD and DL). It is to be positioned directly on the horse's back in the so-called seat area. The underlay is attached at the front to the girth strap loops by means of a buckle. This means that a small edge of lambskin can be seen in the area of the withers. Because of the way it is made-up, there are no seams or edgings to form pressure points in the sensitive back area. Lambskinis a natural product which has self-cleaning, heat-regulating and extremely skin-friendly properties. You can wash the saddle cloths as usual, thelambskin will enjoy a long life if it is brushed frequently, and washed from time to timeusing a special detergent.
849.00 kr