Destiny 2: Forsaken - Legendary Collection - PlayStation 4

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Legendary Collection - PlayStation 4


The game's year one expansion adds the following features: New story centred around The Reef and a team of dangerous Fallen Barons you must hunt downA new destination, The Tangled ShoreGambit, a new mode that fuses PvE and PvPA new Raid set in end-game space The Dreaming CityNine new Supers, one for each sub-classNew weapons and armour, including a new weapon type - the bow and arrowChanges to the way weapons work, from a new equip system to random rolls and mod adjustmentsA new 'Collection' tracker for activities, achievements and lorePlayStation exclusive additionsA new DLC structure that changes the way you pay for further Destiny 2 content Gå på opdagelse hos blandt 500.000 mærke- & hverdagsvarer til indkøbspriser - så er du godt på vej til en billigere hverdag!

74.00 kr

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