Leitmotiv Bordlampe Trælignende metal jeans blå
- Størrelse: H.48,5cm, Shade D.12cm- Materiale: Metal- Farve: Blå- Specifikationer: Excl. E14, Max. 25W.An all-time favourite! Wood-like table lamp by Leitmotiv has a slender high leg, made of metal with a wood-look and a little metal shade and base. Leitmotiv table lamp Wood-like is strong thanks to the material that is used. This design table lamp is available in various beautiful colours. The colourful shade in combination with the leg in wood-colour is really nice and elegant. A nice statement item in any interior style. Also available as a floor lamp. Gå på opdagelse hos Hverdag.dk blandt 500.000 mærke- & hverdagsvarer til indkøbspriser - så er du godt på vej til en billigere hverdag!
211.00 kr