Aqipi - The Tiny Spirit Helper

Aqipi - The Tiny Spirit Helper


Many, many years ago a great and powerful Shaman lived in Greenland. He had a Tiny Spirit Helper that he had named Aqipi. One day the Shaman sends Aqipi a few days ahead into the future to see if the weather will be fine for the upcoming polar bear hunt. However something goes wrong and Aqipi, waking up in a museum, finds himself in the present, meeting strange creatures while he is exploring the place. The present is viewed with a great sense of humour through the eyes of the past and the illustrations are there to inspire children and adults alike to experience the exciting story of Greenland’s past. A book for children ages four through nine. Engelsk udgave af Aqipi - den lille hjælpeånd

129.50 kr

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